Seasonal Craft Beers to Brighten Up Your Christmas
Whether you're planning a Christmas party for loved ones or just want to taste test this year’s handcrafted varietals, check out this list of Seasonal Craft Beers and know what to look for before heading to store.It’s unavoidable, with the holiday season comes colder weather, family get togethers, and that most of anticipated of holiday traditions, the seasonal craft beer collections. Whether you’re planning a Christmas party for loved ones or just want to taste test this year’s handcrafted varietals, check out this list of Seasonal Craft Beers so you know what to look for before heading to store.
Bell’s White Winter Ale
For those who haven’t acquired a taste for heavier winter beers, there’s White Winter. This light and refreshing beer is fermented with Belgian yeast, giving it a fruity aroma without the need for added spices.
Fly Dog Brewery’s K-9 Winter Warmer
This seasonal, brewed with chocolate, vanilla, and cardamom, was specifically designed to companion holiday foods such as hearty soups, buttery cookies, and sweet breads.

Big Timber’s Frost Notch
Proudly hailing from Elkins, WV, Big Timber’s Frost Notch is a supremely crafted smokey and malty beer, and at a ABV of 7.6%, it’s sure to add a little extra Christmas cheer this season.
Laughing Dog Brewing’s Oatmeal Stout
Using flaked and Golden Naked oats to enhance mouthfeel and add subtle nutty flavor, Laughing Dog Brewery’s Oatmeal Stout is a rich dark beer with an inviting creamy texture. Oatmeal Stout is available through February.
Flying Dog Brewery’s X-mas Day IPA
Not only is this a delicious seasonal, but with its fun holiday-themed labeling, it’s sure to be a hit on Christmas day. This is a very fruity beer with a bit of pine hop bitterness, so it pairs well with most winter meals. This beer was brewed in collaboration with Otterbein’s Cookies.
Check back later this week to see if your favorite Seasonal Craft Beers made it to our list!